How to reach us
ICSC’s legal and administrative headquarters are located in Casalecchio di Reno, in the west area of Bologna, at Via Magnanelli 2 – Cap 40033. The indications on how to reach us are listed below.
By car
The most convenient highway exit to reach us is “Bologna-Casalecchio di Reno.” The direction to follow on the ring road is “Casalecchio di Reno” (coming from the Bologna-Casalecchio di Reno highway exit, take the first exit towards Casalecchio di Reno; coming from the Bologna-Arcoveggio, or Bologna-Borgo Panigale highway exit, follow the ring road to the last exit).
Once you leave the highway, the ring road or the normal road, follow the signs for “Casalecchio di Reno, area industriale” and then “Casalecchio di Reno, Porretta.” When you arrive at the Meridiana shopping center (the Esselunga supermarket is clearly visible), follow the directions signs for Cineca.
From the train station
Once you get to Bologna’s central train station you can continue by cab; the journey takes about 20 or 30 minutes:
- COTABO – Cooperativa Tassisti Bolognesi: tel. 051/372727
- CAT Radio Taxi – Consorzio Autonomo Taxisti Bologna: tel. 051/534141
- COSEPURI: tel. 051/519090
- SACA: tel. 051/6349444.
Or it is possible to reach us via the Suburban lines (Direction Vignola or Porretta Terme) that leave from the platforms in the west square of Bologna Centrale station.
The closest stops to ICSC headquarters are Ceretolo and Casalecchio Garibaldi. Here the directions displayed via Google map to reach ICSC headquarters from Ceretolo and Casalecchio Garibaldi respectively.
Train schedules from Bologna station to Casalecchio di Reno can be found on the Trenitalia website.
By bus
From the center of Bologna (via Indipendenza, via Rizzoli), you can take bus number 20 in the direction of “Casalecchio Centro” and get off at the terminal, which is located about 2 km from the ICSC headquarters.
All bus schedules are published on the Azienda Trasporti Pubblici Bologna TPER website.
From the airport
Arriving by plane, the most convenient way to reach us is by cab, whose references are given above. Alternatively, you can take the ATC Aerobus shuttle from Marconi Airport to Bologna Central Station and from there one of the urban and suburban transport lines to Casalecchio.