ICSC -Italian Research Center on HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing, managed by the ICSC Foundation, is one of the 29 candidate Nodes selected for the establishment of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Federation.

This initiative, led by the EOSC Tripartite Governance—which includes the EOSC Association, the European Commission, and Member States and Associated Countries—is focused on establishing an operational network of federated nodes by 2025.

The EOSC Italian Node was born from the ICDI (Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure) initiative, which since 2018 coordinated the participation of universities, research institutions and infrastructures in our country in the EOSC initiative. Continuity with ICDI is ensured by mutual membership and related initiatives.

The EOSC Italian Node is a landmark for the national research community, hosting horizontal services for Open Science and the management of research results in line with the FAIR principles.

The decision to apply as an EOSC Node is part of the strategy of ICSC as a federator of infrastructures, services and data repositories from the main stakeholders of Italian research.