Lo Spoke 1 di ICSC è finalizzato ad indagare e risolvere sfide fondamentali del calcolo moderno quali l’alta performance computazionale e le complessità del calcolo scientifico. Inoltre, si concentra sull’applicabilità di queste tecnologie in settori ad alto volume come cloud e edge computing, connettività IoT, veicoli autonomi, fino ad includere le nuove sfide dell’IA.  Per realizzare tutto ciò, è essenziale sviluppare sistemi di calcolo che siano aperti, energeticamente efficienti e ad alte prestazioni.


Flagship 1:

1- Survey of State-of-the-art Approaches and Gap Analysis of RISC-V Platform Requirement for HPC

2- Selection of Candidate Prototypes for Power Management and Energy/Reliability Monitoring Platforms

Flagship 2:

1- Survey of state-of-the-art approaches and gap analysis of Hardware platform for acceleration Accel-HW-Spec Requirement for HPC

2- Selection of candidate prototypes for software framework for acceleration Accel-SW-spec

Flagship 3:

1- Survey of State-of-the-art Approaches and Gap Analysis on HPC dev tools

2- Selection of candidate prototypes frameworks and development tools for HPC

Flagship 4:

1- Survey of state-of-the-art approaches and gap analysis of trustworthiness, security, privacy

2 – Selection of candidate prototypes for trustworthiness, security, privacy

Flagship 5:

1- Survey of State-of-the-art Codesign – application + SW + HW targeting, benchmarking, patterns, microkernels

2- Survey of of candidate prototypes on benchmarking tools and mini-applications / Codesign – application + SW + HW targeting, benchmarking, patterns, microkernels

Living Labs:

Specification of procurements for laboratory full operation